Wolf originally created You’re Pulling My Leg! as a gift for two friends who were dating each other. They eventually got married, and Allen also played the game to get to know his own wife. “My wife and I still love playing the You’re Pulling My Leg!,” Wolf said. “There are over six hundred questions, and we keep hearing interesting stories about each other’s lives after ten years of marriage.”
To play You’re Pulling My Leg!, players choose a question from the cards within the book. The secret flip of the coin tells them if their answer should be true or made up. When players hear a story, they vote points on if they think a player is telling the truth or pulling their leg. Players win points if you’re right but lose them if you’re wrong. Players try to bluff others and try not to let other players fool them. The first player to 21 points wins.
The new version of You’re Pulling My Leg! contains over 600 questions and is now contained entirely within a book. The game will be released June 30 and is available to pre-order on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or wherever books are sold. A junior version of You’re Pulling My Leg! will be released August 4.
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